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No! We find recurring memberships or subscriptions a bit wasteful and trust that you will order when you need goods from Sol Refill.
Sometimes it's helpful to set your own weekly, biweekly, or monthly reminders.
Our current delivery zone is 15 miles surrounding 15208 in Pittsburgh. Check for your zip code on our delivery page. If it's not listed, you can share it in the form included on the page and we will add it to our waitlist!
Nope! We will delivery your order for you to bring in at your convenience. We must mention that we are not responsible for items once dropped off at your home.
If you have special delivery instructions (such as a special drop off location), please add them during the last part of the ordering process. There is a small box to type in right before you submit your order.
The best way to return your reusables is to place another order! Set out your rinsed reusables on delivery day by 8:00 AM. We will scoop them up and then drop off your new order. More info on this here.
If you don't plan to order again, please schedule a free pickup (located on the bottom of our Return page).
If you still have a question, please reach out to us at
A $1 reward is added to your account for every resuable Sol Refill picks up.
To access your rewards, click on the green "Rewards" button on the bottom left of the website. Type in your email address. You will then receive a promo code (offering a discount equal to the dollar amount you've earned). Add the promo code as you check out on our site for the discount to be applied to your total.
Yes. Pretty please. Returning and reusing is the core of our sustainable business model. Your help to make this idea more circular is appreciated!
Not right now. We have set delivery days based on efficient, pre-planned routes. There is no set drop off time because it depends on the day's route and orders.
Please schedule a free pickup here.
Nope! The stickers help you remember which reusables to return.
Yes! Our $15 order minimum helps keep Sol Refill an "order as needed" delivery service instead of a membership or subscription.
0-5 miles from 15208 is free, and then a fee is added for 5-15 miles depending on the distance. Your delivery charge will show up in the last part of your order. As we grow, and our routes have more stops, we hope to adjust.
Also, help us manifest an electric cargo van! :)
Our goal is to ensure all products are in good order before we deliver them, but if you are unhappy please email us and we will address any issues on a case by case basis.
We do not currently accept returns or issue refunds (unless agreed upon otherwise).
Please take your time when ordering so you are confident in your purchase decision. If you have any questions whatsoever, please email us. We are happy to help! Thank you for caring about how your purchases affect the planet!
We only offer Pittsburgh delivery service but may consider nationwide shipping for supplies in the future.
Please do! Fill out the form at the bottom of our delivery page for your zip to be added to our waitlist.
Nope. We bring sustainable options to you!